Ask any motivational coach or any other person about the secret to happiness and success, and you will usually get a common answer: do what you truly love. Unfortunately, this is not very easy to do since not everyone can afford to go after their dreams. But is it really impossible to do so? 

Most people would rather forget about their dreams because they just have to settle for a desk job that pays. As a matter of fact, most people would automatically look for desk jobs in order to pay their bills and other loans, instead of looking for something that they really like doing. But if you look at the happiest people, you will discover that they are actually doing something that they love. These people spend a lot of time focusing on the things that they really believe in with passion and vigor. Just look around and you will find a few people who are truly happy because they are pursuing their life’s passions. 

But what can you really do if you also do not know what it is that you want to do in your life? If you really do not know what your dream is, you have to spend some time thinking and reflecting over it. Others would even seek for the advice of a motivational coach to help them find their real direction in life. You have to do a lot of thinking because discovering your dream is your first step towards making it a reality. 

What are the activities or hobbies that you really love doing? This can be anything that you do in your spare time, such as writing poetry or short stories, making music, spending some time in volunteer groups and organizations. If you really like doing these things without thinking about the monetary returns, chances are, these are your life’s passions. Just give it a little bit of thought and find out whether your life is truly destined for these activities. 

What kind of environment do you truly enjoy? Are you the type of person who is very happy working inside the office or workplace? Do you thoroughly enjoy your current workstation, or would you rather go outside and work outdoors? This is definitely something that you should think about because your working environment will play a huge part in your success. If you do not really like to be confined in a single workstation, you should look for a job that allows you to go outside and see different places. Otherwise, you will eventually feel suffocated if you just force yourself to work inside the office for several hours each day. 

Also, there is no need to quit your job if you are really not comfortable with it. You can always spend all your spare time doing those extra activities, such as after work or during weekends. Just remember that you have to live a well-balanced life in order to be happy and successful. Surround yourself with the things that you love, and do the things that you love doing to be able to live the dream. 

Are you the type of person who almost has a heart attack right before a public speaking stint? Public speaking can be very challenging, but it is not something that you should fear. But if you have the same feelings of fear towards public speaking, do not fret because there are a lot of other people just like you. 

Public speaking is not something that you are born with, or something that you just have a natural talent at. True, there may be some who are a natural when it comes to public speaking, but this particular skill can be learned and practiced if you are fully committed to it. First, you just really need to overcome that fear of public speaking in order to get it right. Do not let your fear get the best of you and try not to think too much about the number of people in front of you. 

To get over their fears of public speaking, some would even hire a motivational coach or a speech coach to give them a little boost. This is certainly a good idea if you need professional help and if you want to learn from the most experienced people. However, you too can become your own motivational coach if you are just willing to learn the basics of public speaking. Try to read more materials about public speaking and observe how the others do it. 

Before anything else, you need to be fully prepared before you even think about speaking in public. You have to know the entire topic or material that you will be talking about in order to have a successful run. Do not simply memorize words from a sheet of paper. You have to know the whole material inside and out because there might be questions from the audience later on. If you need to memorize a particular material, make sure to divide it in different portions. This is a lot easier than memorizing the material as one big chunk. 

Rehearsing in front of the mirror also helps a lot, especially for those who are not really used to speaking in front of other people. Rehearsing can also take away the jitters, and will help you identify your problem areas. 

Do not worry too much about the number of people in front of you. Instead, just try to relax before you actually go on stage. True, public speaking may be a nerve wracking experience, but you just really need to relax in order to make the nervousness disappear. Do not keep on obsessing over and over your material, especially if you come fully prepared. You can even do something else before you go on stage just to ease the jitters. Also, make sure that you get plenty of rest the night before your big performance. Having too little sleep can make it more difficult for you to remember everything that you need to say. So always make sure to relax and get lots of rest to keep a clear and calm mind in time for your speaking engagement.
How do you really measure brilliance and how can one start calling himself as a brilliant person? Each and every person is different, and all of us have various skills and talents that the others do not have. However, most people do not realize that they also have brilliance within themselves just because they do not always excel in their field. But you also need to remember that you may be brilliant in a different way and you just really do not know it. You have to take a closer look within yourself in order to find that particular brand of brilliance. And once you do, you will then be able to work towards that direction and nurture that unique kind of brilliance that you already have. 

There are various types of intelligence, and it is no longer confined to the type of intelligence that you learn from school. Some people may be intelligent in terms of the academics, while others are highly intelligent in terms of music and the arts. Some also have visual and verbal intelligence, while others do not. You have to find your own brand of intelligence because this is what will set you apart from the rest. 

There are a lot of people who think that they are average because they just cannot excel in a particular field. However, these people are brilliant in their own ways because they actually have several skills that they can excel from. For instance, there are kids who excelled in the academics, but at the same time, also excelled in music and athletics. Having a lot of potentials can actually work for you in the long run. You just really need to find what you are truly passionate about in order to hone that particular skill. 

Most people who belong in this category just think that they are average because they cannot excel in a particular field. These people even think that they are jacks of all trades but masters of none. But if you think about it, these people have the potential to excel in a particular field if they really want to. The only problem is that they cannot focus on just one field because of their brilliance in various fields. Therefore, you need to fully understand yourself if you belong in this category. This way, you can learn more about the field that you are truly passionate in and invest more time and effort in this field. 

Some people are also called brilliant in their own way because of their more than average perception and sensitivity. These people are able to process data better than the others and can pick up even the smallest actions, facial expressions and non-verbal cues. If you are one of these people, you can notice a lot of things that other people cannot. 

There are a lot of sides to brilliance, and you just need to find your own particular brand in order to hone your skills. If you need help, you can go to a mental or life coach. Spending some time with a life coach can help you assess your skills and talents, and help you see that you truly are brilliant in your own way. 

There are various factors that motivate people into achieving success. It really depends on how you see life and success in general, so it also helps to do a little bit of reflection to learn more about yourself. For example, there are those who are easily motivated to succeed because they just really want to learn and be experts in their field. These people are motivated by the learnings that they get, which enables them to move further down the road. However, there are those who are motivated by competition, and by placing themselves against rivals and other people. But is this really wise? 

Competition is not really that bad, especially if you have a healthy competition among your peers and colleagues. There are those who compete with their friends, but still get along very well. In fact, some competitors will help each other along the way despite wanting to reach the top. This kind of competition is a very healthy one and will help not only yourself, but others to succeed as well. 

However, competition may also take another form, and this may not prove to be good for you in the long run. There are those who are empowered to succeed just because they want to beat other people. Some of them even become obsessed with their rivals that they no longer have any other passion than to beat the others. This is not a good way of seeing success because you should only be competing against yourself. It does not really matter what other people can achieve because they have their own set of skills and talents. You should also realize that you are unique and you can do different things from the others. 

Therefore, you should never compare yourself to others and base your success on them. You should instead, focus on what you can do or on the things that you can improve within yourself. Because if you always compare yourself with others, you might stop improving yourself just because you have already beaten them in the game. In reality, you are actually able to do greater things, but you just stop because you think that having won is enough. So just push yourself to do the best that you can instead of basing your success on other people. You will see that there are a lot of things that you can do if you only focus on your own strengths and abilities. 

It also takes a lot of character to feel joy for other people’s success. This is also a secret to success and motivation that you need to remember. Even if you have not succeeded at a certain point in your life, you should never resent the kind of success that other people are enjoying. They too, have worked hard for their achievements, and this is something that you should also celebrate. 

For more tips and secrets regarding motivation and success, browse through some articles and blogs from a motivational coach. It truly helps a lot to get some information from a motivational coach if you really want to improve and succeed in the future.
There are various ways in which you can save money, and most of them do not even entail those complicated investments. You just really need to be very creative in order to save even just a few dollars through very easy ways. Since the year has just started, it would be best to start these money-saving tips now in order to help you save up for the rest of the year. Once you make these suggestions as a part of your routine, you will certainly be surprised at the amount of money that you get to save without really trying. 

For those who constantly eat out for meals, you should seriously consider cooking your own meals. Eating at restaurants or fast food chains can be very expensive and may even eat up a huge chunk of your budget. But if you actually start eating at home and making home-cooked meals, you will be able to save a lot of money because you get to buy the ingredients from scratch. However, this can be quite challenging, especially for families wherein both the husband and the wife are working. If you are in a similar situation, do not be discouraged. There are quick and easy meals that can be done in a few minutes, even by beginners. Just try to make cooking a habit and you will eventually find a balance between work and cooking at home. 

Groceries can be very expensive, especially for those who are fond of grocery shopping every week. But a lot of people do not realize that their groceries tend to be very expensive because of their extra purchases. For instance, you might tend to purchase a lot of meat and vegetable items that you cannot really consume for the entire week. It is better to make a list before you actually go to the grocery to avoid purchasing those extras. And take note of the amount that you really need for the week so as not to waste your money on items that you cannot consume. 

Did you know that you can also save up a lot of money when paying bills? Most people actually pay higher bills because of late fees and other charges. Therefore, if you are one of those who tend to rack up a lot of extra surcharges, you should definitely start paying your bills on time. It might not seem a lot for a single month, but if you add everything up, they really do make a huge difference. A lot of banking institutions actually set up a payment system wherein you can automatically debit those bill payments from your account. This way, you no longer have any excuse as to why you have not paid your bills on time. It is also advisable to make a list of your monthly bills, as well as their due dates to avoid any late fees. 

There are lots of other ways in which you can boost your savings through simple ways. Just remember to really push and try to be your own motivational coach. By being a motivational coach, you will have better chances at success and in saving up a significant amount of money for the future.  

With the coming of the year 2014, most individuals are looking for ways on how to shed the excess weight. Holiday weight can be pretty difficult to lose, especially if you do not have the right motivation and the appropriate game plan. It is not wise to just think about losing weight without any plan at all. Otherwise, you will only be planning to fail just because you did not take the time to make your weight loss goals and plans the right way.

However, there are those who make weight loss resolutions that are not really efficient in the long run. These people think that their resolutions will help them achieve their goal weight for the year without thinking that their goals may be too difficult to achieve. Some goals may also lead to a very high percentage of failure; therefore, you have to rethink your weight loss goals before you actually start your program.

Trying out the latest diet fad is one weight loss resolution that you should avoid. You may be tempted to try some of the most popular diets out there, but most of them do not really work well for long term results. True, some diets may work but they do not really give you the balanced diet and lifestyle that you need for long term results. Instead of trying out a particular fad diet, you should think about changing your lifestyle and diet habits. Instead of cutting a particular food group, opt for healthier choices and eating well-balanced meals. Healthier food choices will help you change your lifestyle in the long run.

If you want to lose 20 or 30 pounds, you may want to rethink your goals in order to make it more attainable and realistic. There are a lot of people who make huge weight loss goals but stop right in the middle because they can no longer sustain their weight loss regimen. Or, there are others who just want to quit because they really cannot see the results right away. To avoid being in the same situation, try to rephrase your goals into smaller and attainable ones. For instance, you can try to lose 1 pound a week by doing it slowly but surely. In the end, you will thank yourself for being your own motivational coach and setting up realistic goals that you can truly achieve.

If you truly want to be successful with your weight loss program, you have to learn how to become an effective motivational coach for yourself. You have to start pushing yourself to do all those exercises and physical activities that you have planned to do for several days now. And instead of planning too much, just go out there and do it. Often times, we are held by a lot of plans that we do not realize that these activities just really need to be done as soon as possible. This way, you will be able to start early with your weight loss program and end the year with a bang.
It is important to make an assessment of your life every now and then. You have to ask yourself a number of questions to see where you actually stand. This way, you will be able to see if you are truly happy, sad, stressed, frustrated or content with your life. For instance, are you happy with everything that’s going on in your day to day life? Or do you want to look for something new in order to inject some excitement and fun in your daily routine. Take some time to contemplate about your life to be able to see how your life is doing.
There are those who are just too stressed with their lives because of the struggles and obstacles that come their way. Many individuals struggle to survive each day because they feel as though their lives are too stressful. However, most of them do not realize that their lives become too stressful because of the way that they handle various issues. Handling these issues is the key to living a happy and well-balanced life because in reality, we just cannot escape issues and controversies. Even if you try to control how your life goes, there will always be struggles and obstacles that you will meet along the way. What you need to do is learn how to handle these issues to avoid a lot of stress.
The usual problem that most individuals face is that they tend to overreact to various situations, even those that are not really that big. For instance, when someone tells you something about your work, do you tend to overreact? A lot of people are defensive about their work that they do not really see the other side of things. They just see these comments as negative feedback about their work, and that other individuals are out to get them. But they also fail to see the fact that sometimes, other people give constructive criticism that you should take into advisement. For all you know, there are points for improvement in your piece of work that may actually help you become better in the future. So do not overreact immediately as to these issues because you will just be complicating things.
In case you feel negatively about an issue or an event, just pause for a few seconds and breathe. This way, you will be able to think clearly about the real issue on hand. You will also be able to assess whether or not there truly is an issue in the first place. Sometimes, people just really complicate the simple things, which is the reason why their lives become so stressful.
You really have to assess a situation first before you react. This way, you will not be wasting your time over something that is not really worth your time and effort. For more tips and suggestions regarding these matters, do not hesitate to seek the help of an experienced life coach. You will surely see a huge difference in your life with additional insights from a life coach.
Whether you are a writer, musician or does any other creative thing for work, you have to look for ways on how to find inspiration. You need to unleash those creative ideas in order to come up with the best results. However, this can be very difficult, especially if you are stuck with no ideas at all. You might be the most talented in your field, but if you do not have any inspiration at all, you will eventually find it difficult to succeed. 

Sometimes, it definitely helps to talk to a motivational coach. This way, you will be able to handle whatever issues that you may have in your life. Also, a motivational coach can help you sort through your motivational problems and allow you to pinpoint those areas where you need a lot of improvement. 

To find inspiration, a lot of people just really go back to work and do it. Often times, people spend a lot of time worrying about their lack of inspiration and motivation that they soon forget about their tasks and responsibilities. But if you just really sit down and sort through the ideas inside your head, you will discover that you actually have a lot to work on. Just start writing or scribbling down your ideas in order to get started. Pretty soon, you will be surprised at the number of things that you have written down. Whether you need to write an essay, article, power point presentation, or anything else that you need to accomplish, you just really need to get started. And once you start, you will start finding your groove and actually have a shot at finishing the task. 

Also, do not think that inspiration will come to you like a light bulb in the middle of the night. You also need to do your own share in order to find that much needed push. In case you have some trouble starting the task, look for a quiet place to start your work. You have to find the perfect spot in your work area or home which has the best ambience for starting and finishing various tasks. Of course, you will not be able to find any inspiration at all if you work right in the midst of activity. If there are a lot of noise and unnecessary sounds within the vicinity, look for an area where you can truly concentrate and focus. 

Also, seek for ideas and inspiration from all sorts of sources. Do not limit yourself with the usual sources, but try to expand your choices too. For instance, instead of merely walking around the park looking for ideas, you can also visit a local museum to get your creative juices flowing. Or, you can go watch some films or listen to music in order to stimulate your brain. Once an idea enters your brain, make sure to work on it right away because you might forget about it later. Always grab the opportunity whenever a great idea enters your mind to produce the best results. 

When it comes to losing weight, a lot of people are very excited at the start of their programs. Of course, who wouldn’t be excited if you are faced with the possibility of losing weight and getting back in shape with a certain workout regimen? If you fill your mind with images of success, you will certainly get that push to constantly workout in accordance with your plans.

However, things can get rough and difficult as you go along. Soon, you will realize that you will need a little push just to fulfill your goals and plans. You might even think of quitting whenever you feel sore muscles and aching arms and legs. But this is really not the right way to go because each and every person has the chance to succeed. Even if you think that it is very difficult, you should never give up and continue striving for success. You need to learn how to become your own motivational coach to be able to rise above the challenges. 

Most people quit because they feel that they are too far from their goals. But the motivational coach in you should never succumb to these thoughts. True, you might be very far from your quest, but this should not be a reason to quit. If you just take one step at a time, you will be able to push your body and slowly get the results that you want. For instance, you do not really need to push yourself at the gym just to get the body that you want. You can look for an enjoyable physical activity that you really love doing, such as dancing or biking. Even if you start at a slow pace, you will eventually notice an improvement with your weight and body structure. You do not really need to get the same workout regimen like the others have. You just need to find one that suits your lifestyle and interests. 

Do you feel as though your work schedule always gets in the way of your workout routine? This has always been the excuse of most people, wherein they just stop with exercising just because they have lots of things to do at work and at home. But nothing is really impossible if you just make time for it. Try to write down everything that you need to for the week and set up a schedule. This way, you will be able to prioritize the most important tasks and still leave some time for other important activities, such as exercise. In the end, you will feel more energized and less stressed if you follow a regular exercise routine. 

Always look for alternatives and options when it comes to losing weight and having a regular exercise routine. This way, you will have plenty of other choices in case your current workout is not possible. For instance, you can adopt an indoor exercise routine just in case there is a heavy downpour outside and you are unable to do your daily jog. 
Most people do not really think that they can achieve their goals in a short span of time, say 60 days. It really depends on your goals and aspirations, but you really can do a lot in just a short period of time. Achieving your goals should not be a problem if you just have the right amount of motivation, focus and concentration. In fact, you will be able to accomplish a lot if you do things the right way. If you speak with a motivational coach, you will learn that there is nothing impossible if you just set your sights on it. 

Try to remember the last time that you were able to accomplish something really big in your life. That must have been exhilarating and satisfying for you, given the amount of work and effort that you put into it. To accomplish that particular goal, you must have been highly motivated and inspired with putting your plans into action. Now, if you also want to achieve amazing things in just a short period of time, just imagine yourself being motivated and inspired at all times. Nothing will get in your way if you just push yourself to the limit. 

The biggest obstacle in achieving one’s goals is the lack of focus and motivation. For instance, even if you still have a lot of time on your hands, chances are, you usually are able to do the bulk of work a few days before the deadline. A lot of people are surely able to relate to this. Now, if you really want to achieve your goals instantly, then you have to brush those distractions aside and motivate yourself. You have to be focused at all times so as not to forget what you set out to do. 

The first thing that you need in order to reach your goals instantly is commitment. Do not even think of trying to do something because you definitely need more than trying. You have to fully commit yourself to those goals and plans to achieve what you truly want in a short span of time. You have to be fully committed in removing all those distractions from your life, which only serve as hindrances and obstacles to your success. And you have to be very solid with your commitment to learn how to be your own motivational coach in order to help yourself accomplish your goals right away. 

You also need to be fully accountable for all your actions as you go ahead with your plans. In case something goes wrong, there is no one else to blame but yourself. You should learn how to take full responsibility of everything that happens in your project instead of trying to put the blame on others. This way, you will always be on top of things to ensure that nothing goes wrong. 

So take action right away if you truly want to achieve amazing goals in a short span of time. You will certainly accomplish great things if you learn how to properly motivate and inspire yourself to do your best.