There are various factors that motivate people into achieving success. It really depends on how you see life and success in general, so it also helps to do a little bit of reflection to learn more about yourself. For example, there are those who are easily motivated to succeed because they just really want to learn and be experts in their field. These people are motivated by the learnings that they get, which enables them to move further down the road. However, there are those who are motivated by competition, and by placing themselves against rivals and other people. But is this really wise? 

Competition is not really that bad, especially if you have a healthy competition among your peers and colleagues. There are those who compete with their friends, but still get along very well. In fact, some competitors will help each other along the way despite wanting to reach the top. This kind of competition is a very healthy one and will help not only yourself, but others to succeed as well. 

However, competition may also take another form, and this may not prove to be good for you in the long run. There are those who are empowered to succeed just because they want to beat other people. Some of them even become obsessed with their rivals that they no longer have any other passion than to beat the others. This is not a good way of seeing success because you should only be competing against yourself. It does not really matter what other people can achieve because they have their own set of skills and talents. You should also realize that you are unique and you can do different things from the others. 

Therefore, you should never compare yourself to others and base your success on them. You should instead, focus on what you can do or on the things that you can improve within yourself. Because if you always compare yourself with others, you might stop improving yourself just because you have already beaten them in the game. In reality, you are actually able to do greater things, but you just stop because you think that having won is enough. So just push yourself to do the best that you can instead of basing your success on other people. You will see that there are a lot of things that you can do if you only focus on your own strengths and abilities. 

It also takes a lot of character to feel joy for other people’s success. This is also a secret to success and motivation that you need to remember. Even if you have not succeeded at a certain point in your life, you should never resent the kind of success that other people are enjoying. They too, have worked hard for their achievements, and this is something that you should also celebrate. 

For more tips and secrets regarding motivation and success, browse through some articles and blogs from a motivational coach. It truly helps a lot to get some information from a motivational coach if you really want to improve and succeed in the future.

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