Are you looking for the perfect someone to share your life with? Finding that elusive ideal partner doesn’t come that easily for most of us because we haven’t learned the importance of being very clear in our thoughts what type of person would truly make us happy.

Sue Stone’s got some tips in gaining sweet success when manifesting your ideal partner.

Dump the wrong ones- don’t hang on to the wrong one just for the sake of being in a relationship. Be strong and make room for the right one.

Be warned- make a list of all the characteristics you don’t want in a partner and burn it ceremoniously. (let go of the past).

Make a manifest list- write down all the qualities and characteristics you do want. You can be as specific as you like and focus on those qualities.

Dedicate your intentions- dedicate your ‘manifest list’ with an affirmation or prayer asking for it to be fulfilled with the aid of the universe.

Visualise yourself with your ideal partner living the life you would like to live.

Remember like attracts like- consider all the various traits you are seeking in a person (kindness, generosity, honesty etc). Do you have these same traits? Like attracts like and we naturally magnetize the people towards us. Quite simply, treat others as you would like to be treated.

Take a look at yourself- do you need to change any of your behaviors that have attracted the wrong partner before (drinking too much, going for the unavailable types, being too bossy?)

Boost your self-worth- be good to yourself, eat healthily and exercise. Make sure you have plenty of ‘you time’ and learn to love and accept yourself.

Take action- pay attention to your gut instincts being sure to follow them to see where they lead you. This is important! Don’t think you can just stay at home every night sitting in front of your computer or television and the universe is going to plant your perfect partner on your doorstep.

Every person you come into contact with is a possible connection to your ideal mate.

Try new things! Keep changing and growing for the better and you will be more attractive ad interesting to others. Your new hobby could be going to the gym, walking, volunteer work somewhere, adult education classes, golf etc. The list is endless and you can have sweet success when you manifest your partner.

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